How to Live in a Tent Long Term? An Expert Guide

How to live in a tent long term? Or what’s the consideration to live in a tent permanently and safely? Do you plan to escape modern life to live with Mother Nature? Hopefully, we can help!

Living in a tent for a week or long term is far different. While you can go for trips with some essentials for a week, you will have to keep a range of things in mind for long-term camping. Starting with choosing the area, maintaining safety concerns is related to a mental facility and emergency treatment.

Luckily in this guide, we have covered all those rules and regulations and some crucial instructions to help you enjoy wildlife safely and healthily even in the long term. So, let’s hack it!

How to live in a Tent permanently?

How to live in a Tent permanently

Long-term tent living is adventurous and thrilling; however, it can be difficult to have a proper plan and preparation. If you are truly dedicated to leave modern life and embrace nature permanently, then let’s consider and follow these factors:


Realize your intention because you are planning to live in a tent permanently. The people who want to live in a tent for the long term had to prepare differently compared to living for just one or two weeks. Once you understand the purpose, then take further steps.


The place where you will set up for long-term tent camping is extremely important. Selecting a tent at the wrong location can put your life at risk. Consider the following information while choosing a place for a tent:

  • An area nearby a small town or village can be a good option as you will get groceries and medical emergency help easily
  • Choose a place close to the river or pond so you can get water once you need it.
  • A flat surface will let you install the tent properly and prevent the wind from taking it down.
  • Choosing a fertile land can offer you some vegetables.
  • Don’t set your tent where Grizzly bears and other animals are regular guests.

Setting up the Tent

Fix the type of tent you want to live in; however, vis-a-vis tents and cabin tents will be the best tents to live in permanently. Both tents offer larger space and allow creation of a decorated room.

Besides, choose a material that is durable, waterproof, and provides enough ventilation. In this case, PVC-coated and canvas will be better tents you can live in.

Moreover, you can check some camping tent reviews to choose the preferable one. After selecting the right type of tent, let’s focus on setting it up:

  • Make the spot a bit elevated so the water can’t enter during the rain.
  • Remove the stone and other obstacles to install the tent firmly and relax comfortably inside the tent.
  • Better you use a groundsheet between the ground and the tent, which will act as a floor.
  • Make sure you have put all the legs inside the environment properly.
  • Decorate the tent based on your requirements and leave some space free for ventilation.

Food and Water

Most people worry about food and water supplies while they plan to live in a tent permanently. That’s why setting up a tent close to the village or town is recommended so you can collect essentials weekly or monthly. Although you can follow these instructions:

  • Living nearby a freshwater source will ensure both water and some fresh fish.
  • You can grow some crops near you as it will both keep you active and deliver foods
  • Make a map of fruits available around you so you can collect them whenever you need them.
  • Finishing is another great activity to be engaged in and enjoy a delicious dinner.
  • In short, you will have to awaken the primitive being inside you to survive in a tent.


Proper and regular maintenance work not only keeps you clean but also ensures a healthy and safe life. Some vital maintenance tips are:

  • Create a toilet a little far from your tent so the smell can’t reach the tent. Moreover, you can dump the waste or store it to create fuel or fertilizer.
  • Clean your tent regularly to keep it durable and safe from bugs.


Living alone in a tent can start creating mental pressure after a certain period. Thus make a proper schedule combined of activity and hobby to stay busy physically and mentally.

Bring some books with you to the tent and keep changing once you finish reading. Plus, you can carry some outdoor gear like a football, fishing rod, a pack of cards, a GPS tracker, or anything that you love to do and keep you busy.

Can I live in a tent legally?

It’s a complicated issue. The truth is it isn’t so simple as buying a small plot and starting your own business. In some areas, living in a tent is illegal. Plus, you can’t stay permanently on public property according to state and federal laws.

However, some landowners allow people to live in a tent in the deep woods. If you find such areas and are committed to living in them, make sure you have the necessary survival skills and collect the essentials.

Pros of Living in a Tent


The modern city makes life hustle and bustle. That’s why some people choose a tent to live in to reduce stress. Usually, living in a tent will keep you away from unnecessary electronics and other material things. Instead, it helps learners to live a simple life with what they have around them.

Increased Connection

Living in a tent will create a strong bond between you and Mother Nature. That’s why many people feel it is better to leave so-called social life and digital connection and embrace the beautiful nature.

Smaller Footprint

Making an apartment or big house takes lots of space and material, which creates a larger footprint. Conversely, living in a tent minimizes the impact on nature while it’s a temporary shelter and made of recycled materials.

Increased Mobility

The huge advantage of living in a tent is that you can easily change the camping area and set it up again effortlessly. It is extremely convenient and will provide different views every day if you wish.

Saves Money

Tent living doesn’t cost extra fees and regulations compared to building a house. So,living in a tent to save money is another key reason.

Cons of living in a tent

Safety Concerns

Injuries can occur anytime living in a tent. Thus, collecting first-aid kits and survival gear is vital. A major disadvantage of living intent is you won’t get treatment immediately. So, before things get worse, you should come out for medical treatment.

Considering your living area, wild animals can be a huge concern. However, most animals are rarely attacked, but keeping food covered and sealed can reduce the risk. Moreover, don’t keep food in the tent if you are camping in a grizzly area.

Bad Weather

Bad weather is another difficult issue as it can make one miserable. Before living in a tent during cold weather, collect the source of heat like a wood-burning stove or a quality propane heater.  However, weeks of bad weather can feel you trapped even after getting a quality tent with proper essentials.

Sanitation Issues

With a lack of plumbing and waste removal facilities, living intent can be unhealthy. However, one can make it naturally in this way. During the summer season, one can take a bath in the pond and river, but it will be impossible to do so during the winter.


People can live with varying mental abilities. But after a certain period, they start feeling alone. So, realize yourself very well especially planning for living in a tent permanently.

However, you can stay connected with people by buying a gym membership, playing games, and participating in other social events.


  • Can I live in a tent permanently?

Despite the weather concern and mental stress, one can live in a tent full time. But before planning for long in a tent for a full time, one should set in mind strongly and get prepared with sufficient essentials.

  • How long can you leave a tent up?

Using occasionally and maintaining properly, a quality tent can last up to 5 years. Usually, there are no rules on how long you can leave your tent up, while some factors affect its lifespan.

The permanent tents are known by different names varying in different areas. Some called it traditional yurt or ger, while others knew it as Shell Shape Glamping Tent, Geodesic Dome, Modular Glamping Box, etc.

Final words

Living in a tent for a long time is a great way to escape the robotic life and unfair social class system. Moreover, it’s a superb way of living the simplest lift and enjoys the wonder of nature at the cheapest cost.

After reading this guide, I hope now, you know how to live in a tent long term and make the essentials checklist. Now set your mind strong and choose a place where you can enjoy nature most safely and contact the civilization easily in case of emergencies.

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